Lake of the Woods Control Board Contact Us

Recorded Message
Recorded Message To hear a recorded version of the Notice Board on current water level and flow conditions, dial 1-800-661-5922, and select Option 1. This number is available toll-free from anywhere in Canada or the continental USA.

Talk to Us
phone For more information, or to provide comments, talk to Board staff by calling 1-800-661-5922 toll-free from anywhere in Canada or the continental USA.
Open House Public Open Houses are held at least once each year. Talk to Board Members and staff and view information displays. Notices appear in local newspapers, on the Notice Board on this website or your name can be placed on our mailing list.

Write to Us
MAIL:       Executive Engineer
Lake of the Woods Control Board
Ottawa ON K1A 0H3
FAX:       888-702-9632

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